FACTS believes it is very important to serve healthy, nutritious meals to our students. FACTS began participating in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) in 2016-17. All students will be offered school breakfast and lunch at no cost. There is no application to fill out.
We serve cold breakfasts in the classrooms which consists of milk, fruit, and cereal and/or breakfast bars. Our hot lunches are catered by an outside vendor. Monthly menus are distributed in the Take Home Tuesday folders. Both breakfast and lunch meet the nutrition requirements established by local, state, and federal statutes and regulations including the Federal Smart Snacks in School Nutrition Standards.
FACTS ensures that there are always options for vegetarian students and we never serve pork or shellfish in our program. If your child has any special dietary requirements or if you have questions about our food program please contact the Food Service Manager, Teacher Dewi at 215-569-2600 x 1073.
The following PDF files contain additional information:
Community Eligibility Provision – Free Meals
FACTS Health and Wellness Policy Presentation for Parents